Witchcraft 101: What to Put in Your Green Witch’s Book of Shadows
GWL Witchcraft 101: What to Put in Your Green Witch’s Book of Shadows | Green Witch Living
How to Write Your Own Witchcraft Spells
We’re living in the information age where everything is at your fingertips, including witchcraft spells. Open a book, search the internet, or log into your favorite social media app, and you’re bombarded with choices. It can get overwhelming! Which spell is right for you out of the hundreds of thousands of witchcraft spells out there? […]
Witchcraft 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Freezer Spells
Have a co-worker who keeps harassing you and management won’t do anything about it? Or an ex who won’t leave you alone no matter how many times you ask for privacy? Witchcraft can be a helpful addition to solving problems in your life when practical solutions just won’t cut it. As you have probably experienced, […]
10 Ways to Practice Everyday Witchcraft
What is Everyday Witchcraft? Creating change and manifesting your reality doesn’t have to involve elaborate rituals, fancy altars, or channeling spirits. Everyday witchcraft involves seeking out those mundane moments, those where you are performing the simplest of tasks, and creating magick that flows with your life. It’s the kind of witchcraft you do when you’re […]
The Wonderful World of Witchcraft: Top Benefits of Learning Witchcraft
Witchcraft is on the rise in the United States. 1.5 million people identified as a Wiccan or Pagan in 2014. In 1990 that figure was just 8,000. Now, not everyone who practices witchcraft is Wiccan. However, the steady growth of this spiritual religion is a clear sign that witchcraft is growing in popularity too. Further evidence can […]
Divination Methods for Beginners
If you grew up similar to me, at some point in your life you were given the message in one way or another that your intuition couldn’t be trusted. Maybe it was at school, at church, at home, directly or indirectly. When you are told something again and again, your body begins to believe it […]
Magical Theory: 4 Ingredients for Successful Magick
At some point you may ask yourself, why didn’t my spell work? If you wished to learn a musical instrument, you could simply pick one up and start practicing. There are many musicians who are self-taught, who can’t read sheet music, and some of them become good musicians. But they rarely become great musicians, without […]
Witchcraft 101: How to Become a Witch and Practice Witchcraft
Witchcraft has become extremely popular over the last 30 years or so. In 1990, it was estimated that there were about 8,000 people in the US who practiced witchcraft. Today, it’s estimated that there are about 1.5 million people who practice. While we don’t know the exact reason witchcraft has grown so much in popularity over the […]
Getting Started in Paganism, Witchcraft, and Magick
This recommended pagan book list provides information about herbs, candles, crystals, moon spells, astrology, meditation, the elements, and more. Getting Started in Paganism, Witchcraft, and Magick can be simple and personally fulfilling, once you get started reading a few good books! And the best part, you can always go back and reference them when you […]