Blessed Beltane! I hope you had a beautiful celebration! It’s that time again for our tarot cards for the season ahead.
Beltane Tarot Reading for Each Zodiac Sign
Cards pulled from the Light Seers Tarot
Aries ♈️ | Seven of Wands
Aries, protect your energy this spring. Try not to get caught up in distractions around you that have the potential to throw you off your path. It’s a great time to re-initiate a regular meditation ritual if you don’t have one already. It’s time to focus on yourself and ignore the voices around you.
Taurus ♉️ | Eight of Cups
Taurus, it’s time to let go of something you may have put a lot of love into in the past. It’s just not worth your time anymore. This can be something physical, mental, spiritual, or even a relationship. Just let it go, it’s not getting you anywhere anymore. It may be hard initially, but this will bring a sense of relief once it’s over.
Gemini ♊️ | Three of Wands
Gemini, that thing you were contemplating last season? It’s time to act on it now. Whatever plans you have for the future are going to take you exactly where you’re supposed to be. Don’t let fear get in the way, just go for it. This is an exciting season for you.
Cancer ♋️ | Three of Swords
Cancer, you may have tough or frustrating times ahead, but don’t let them stop you. Feel your feelings and move on when you’re ready. It’ll be worth it in the long run even if it hurts in the moment. Reach out to loved ones to talk or vent if you need to.
Leo ♌️ | The Wheel
Leo, something new and exciting is coming your way. Take a chance and go for something new when the opportunity presents itself. You have a season of good luck coming your way, so enjoy it while you got it.
Virgo ♍️ | The Emperor
Virgo, you’re being asked to get in touch with masculine and fire energy this season. While cultivating that energy inside of yourself it’ll be helpful to look to a positive masculine figure for guidance. This can be in the form of a spirit or physical being, whichever calls to you the most. Use this energy to your advantage.
Libra ♎️ | Hanged Man
Libra, it might feel like life is stalling this season. The truth right now is that you need to let it. Don’t try to force anything right now. It’s important for you to go with the flow and learn to look at things with a new perspective before moving on.
Scorpio ♏️ | Ten of Wands
Scorpio, I know things feel heavy this season, but this too shall pass. Keep working on yourself and getting to your end goal, because you are almost there. Don’t be afraid to accept help when it’s offered.
Sagittarius ♐️ | Knight of Pentacles
Sagittarius, keep working diligently towards your goals, but don’t feel like you have to rush to achieve. Take a moment to slow down and enjoy what’s around you this season. Grounding will be a great practice for you to start doing regularly if you don’t already.
Capricorn ♑️ | The Empress
Capricorn, what it is you’d love to start nurturing to eventually show to the world? Only you can decide for yourself what that will be, but this is your sign to start working on it. The universe is ready to see your gifts. Giving yourself the space to express creativity will be therapeutic for you this season.
Aquarius ♒️ | Queen of Cups
Aquarius, you have a beautifully calming presence those around you are going to need this season. Embrace your inner feminine and work on your intuitive gifts. Spending time with the water element is important for you right now.
Pisces ♓️ | Strength
Pisces, it’s time to access the inner strength we all know you have. Thai season might be tough but it can be liberating if you let it. Work on strengthening your solar plexus and heart chakras, especially if you’re going through major changes.
Advice for All 💟 | Ten of Swords
The world and its energy have changed, and we aren’t going back to what we used to consider “normal”. The Ten of Swords is our not-so-gentle reminder that it’s time to let go of the way things used to be and find a new way forward in this new energy.
How to Read Tarotscopes for your Sun, Moon, and Rising Sign
Do you know your sun, moon, and rising signs? If so, these were drawn with the intention to read all three together if you’d like! Here’s how to read all three to turn it into a more in depth and personalized reading.
Sun Sign
The overall energy surrounding you this season.
Moon Sign
Your emotional energy and/or how you will deal with the overall energy of your sun sign emotionally/internally.
Rising Sign
Your outward energy shown to others and/or how to deal with the other two energies outwardly and in your everyday life around others
May the rest of your spring be blessed! Happy Beltane!
Written By: Flora Green @heart_of_a_witch
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