Crystals for Your Home: A Room-by-Room Guide
Spending a lot of time at home is common for many people in these times, but even if you don’t, being able to come home to a place where you feel safe and protected is important. I often refer to my home as my safe haven, where I feel peaceful and shielded from the stress of […]
Houseplants for a Magickal Home: A Room-by-Room Guide
During the 2020 shelter-in-place orders, houseplant sales nearly doubled while everyone was stuck inside their homes. Even if you live in the city and don’t have outdoor space, it is easy to bring nature indoors by heading to a nursery and becoming a plant parent. If you’re in the broom closet, houseplants may look less […]
Powerful Home & Property Protection Spell
This is an old-school style hoodoo protection spell, suitable for house and property. This is a popular spell to protect a property from trespassers, people of ill intent, or police. It is also an effective way to “anchor” yourself to your property, to prevent eviction. The use of the iron spikes around the perimeter of the property, […]