Green Witch Sabbats: The Plants and Herbs of Imbolc

Green Witch Sabbats: The Plants and Herbs of Imbolc | Green Witch Living

Though Imbolc is considered the beginning of spring, in many places there is little life to be seen just yet. We begin to listen for the first bird singing its tune to herald in the springtime as other animals begin to wake from hibernation. And we too, as part of nature, begin to feel our […]

Tarotscopes for Imbolc

Tarotscopes for Imbolc, Green Witch Living

Happy Imbolc, witches!  Imbolc Tarot Reading for Each Zodiac Sign Cards pulled from the Modern Love Tarot Aries ♈️  The Tower  Big changes are coming, fellow Aries. They may not be easy, but they will be worth it in the long run. Use your resilience and drive to power through the rough patches, and we’ll […]

Goddess Brigid Chant for Imbolc

Goddess Brigid Chant for Imbolc, Green Witch Living

What is Imbolc? Known as a festival of fire, Imbolc is one of the Greater Pagan Sabbats where we celebrate the return of the light and honor the Celtic goddess Brigid. Imbolc is a reminder of hope, where the light returns across the earth and our spirits are illuminated from within. It’s the midway point […]

7 Ways to Celebrate Imbolc

7 Ways to Celebrate Imbolc, Green Witch Living

In the space between midwinter and the beginning of spring, nature hangs in the balance. The frozen ground has not yet thawed but the darkest part of the year has passed. Exactly between the winter solstice and spring equinox, this pagan sabbat called Imbolc marks the turning point. The word “Imbolc” means “in the belly.” […]

Cleansing Ritual Bath for Imbolc (or the Full Moon)

Cleansing Ritual Bath for Imbolc (or full moon), Green Witch Living

The Celtic Sabbats in the Wheel of the Year, being Imbolc, Beltane, Lughnasadh, and Samhain, represent liminal spaces. We are no longer at the beginning of a season but not yet transitioning into the next season. It is the in-between, marking the halfway point. Imbolc in particular falls halfway between winter and spring, with themes […]