Break a Bad Habit Spell
Break a Bad Habit Spell: disrupt the energy flow and bring a specific situation or negative cycle to a halt.
Witchcraft 101: What to Put in Your Green Witch’s Book of Shadows
GWL Witchcraft 101: What to Put in Your Green Witch’s Book of Shadows | Green Witch Living
Life Everlasting Flowers: Herbal Magick Guide
Life Everlasting Flowers: An Herbal Magick Guide for the Green Witch
How to Write Your Own Witchcraft Spells
We’re living in the information age where everything is at your fingertips, including witchcraft spells. Open a book, search the internet, or log into your favorite social media app, and you’re bombarded with choices. It can get overwhelming! Which spell is right for you out of the hundreds of thousands of witchcraft spells out there? […]
Green Witch Sabbats: The Plants and Herbs of Litha
Litha, or Midsummer, is the favorite sabbat of many green witches and gardeners on the Wheel of the Year because you can now begin to reap the harvest of the seeds you planted. There are plenty of fresh herbs to harvest at this time! Even if you don’t have a garden, you may have planted […]
Time Correspondences For Your Most Effective Spellwork Yet
If you’ve spent any amount of time in the witchcraft community, you’re probably familiar with moon magick, the ideal moon phases to cast spells according to the energy of the moon. Working with the natural energies around us helps spells work more smoothly instead of fighting against conflicting energy. But what if you desperately need […]