Green Witch Sabbats: The Plants and Herbs of Imbolc

Green Witch Sabbats: The Plants and Herbs of Imbolc | Green Witch Living

Though Imbolc is considered the beginning of spring, in many places there is little life to be seen just yet. We begin to listen for the first bird singing its tune to herald in the springtime as other animals begin to wake from hibernation. And we too, as part of nature, begin to feel our […]

Witchy DIYS: Energy Cleansing Room Spray

Witchy DIYS: Energy Cleansing Room Spray, Green Witch Living

In the witchcraft community, we love our smoke cleansing practices. There’s nothing quite like throwing open the windows, calling on your favorite sacred plant, lighting up and watching smoke hazy in the air. The feeling afterward is one of spiritual lightness. But what if you’re in a situation where smoke is not an option? Whether […]

Protection Magick for Your Witch’s Garden

Protection Magick for Your Witch's Garden | Green Witch Living

If you are fortunate enough to have the time and space to grow your own food, a garden is a great supplement to a green witch’s magickal practice. A witch’s garden helps you to connect with the earth and observe living plants and how they grow in nature. Noticing plants in their natural environment can […]