Tarotscopes for Samhain
It’s that time of year again! The veil is thinning, the leaves are turning, and it’s the best time of year for tarot reading. So without further ado, here is your 2021 general outlook for each zodiac sign this Samhain! Samhain Tarot Reading for Each Zodiac Sign Cards pulled from the Modern Witch tarot deck […]
Creating Your Samhain Tarot Ritual
Samhain is considered the Witch’s New Year, and is a time when the veil between us and the spirit world is very thin. Tarot readings and any intuitive art becomes easier for many of us during this time, as conversing with Spirit and our ancestors seems to come more natural. For this reason, one of […]
7 Ways to Celebrate Samhain
There comes a time of year when you can wear your witchiness out with pride, whether or not you are in the broom closet, and no one will give you a second glance. Even those who don’t practice witchcraft embrace their witchy side as Halloween draws near on the last day of October. Samhain (pronounced sah-win) […]
Pumpkin Lantern Protection Spell for Samhain
For a couple months up to Halloween, all you have to do is walk into a store and you are confronted with pumpkin everything, jack-o’-lantern themed and pumpkin spice alike! Especially in North America, we seem to have a love for these bright orange winter squashes and automatically associate them with the autumn season. But […]
Bone Magick: Working with Bones in Witchcraft
Even inside the witchcraft community, bones are a controversial topic. Outside the community, it’s considered completely taboo and only acceptable around Halloween, during Scorpio season when the taboo takes up space in our psyche. We see witches everywhere this time of year, alongside skulls and skeletons and other things the average person deems scary. Bones […]
Who is Hecate: The Greek Goddess of Witchcraft
In recent years, I have known an increasing number of witches working with the Greek Goddess Hecate. It is not surprising since she is the goddess of magic and witchcraft and all things dark and taboo. Women looking to break out from under the oppression of a patriarchal society find Hecate especially appealing because she […]
10 Ways to Connect With Your Ancestors
Falling leaves, pumpkin pie, and an entire month dedicated to honoring your ancestors, Samhain is almost here! Also known as the Witches New Year, Samhain is the third harvest festival and is the pagan sabbat for celebrating those who have passed before us. Each year Samhain marks a time when the veil to the other […]