Sunflower Affirmation Spell for Litha

Sunflower Affirmation Spell for Litha, Green Witch Living

Bringing to mind the long, sunny days of summer with their bright yellow color, sunflowers are a popular and well-loved flower. Odds are you have a memory attached to these cheery blooms. Native to North America, sunflowers can now be found in most countries of the world, valued for their seeds and oil. In magick […]

Green Witch Sabbats: The Plants and Herbs of Litha

Green Witch Sabbats: The Plants and Herbs of Litha | Green Witch Living

Litha, or Midsummer, is the favorite sabbat of many green witches and gardeners on the Wheel of the Year because you can now begin to reap the harvest of the seeds you planted. There are plenty of fresh herbs to harvest at this time! Even if you don’t have a garden, you may have planted […]

7 Ways to Celebrate Litha, the Summer Solstice

7 Ways to Celebrate Litha, Green Witch Living

While the Autumn Equinox and the Winter Solstice may be more popular among witches, the Summer Solstice is my personal favorite. The days are long, the nights are warm, nature is fully alive and abundant, and the energy is high. In the Wheel of the Year, the Summer Solstice is comparable to the full moon […]